オリジナル クラフト ジンジャービア

新発売『オリジナル クラフト ジンジャービア』
新鮮な生姜、柑橘、各種ハーブやスパイスを丁寧に仕込み、酵母の力でビールのように発酵させたノンアルコール炭酸飲料(ALC. 0.5%)。
さいたま市・見沼の休耕地を有効活用し生姜栽培から始めた「ginger bug inc.」とガテモタブンのコラボレーションラベルです。お土産購入もできます。

Ginger ale has its roots in ginger beer. It can be said that ginger ale is a simplified version of ginger beer. Ginger beer is fermented and carbonated, whereas ginger ale is a ginger syrup made by boiling ginger and adding carbonation. This non-alcoholic carbonated drink (AL 0.5% ) is made by carefully preparing fresh ginger, citrus fruits, various herbs and spices and fermenting them with yeast like beer. Japan’s first authentic fermented ginger ale, made with raw materials from Saitama Prefecture, with no additives, no colouring, no flavourings and no filtration. Please shake slowly before pouring into a glass as the lees have settled.
The label is a result of a collaboration between Ginger Bug Inc. and Guatemo Tabum, which started with ginger cultivation by making effective use of fallow land Minuma in Saitama City .